13º Simposio Update in Dialysis

10 de abril de 2025

La Pedrera. Barcelona
 Silvia Collado

Silvia Collado

Unidad de Enfermedad Renal Crónica Avanzada

Silvia Collado graduated as M.D. from Barcelona University Medical School in 2001, joining the Nephrology and Renal Transplant Department at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona in 2002. She works into dialysis department since 2008 at Hospital del Mar. She coordinates the Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease Unit since 2008 and she is part of the Multidisciplinary Vascular Access Unit at Hospital del Mar.
Her main research focus has been the evaluation of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in haemodialysis patients and, more recently, the investigation of anaemia and nutritional status. 
She is a member of the Spanish and Catalan Society of Nephrology and has 39 original publications and more than 100 abstracts at national and international congresses. She has participated in the edition of 3 books and 7 chapters. Within the field of research, she has participated as principal investigator or co-investigator in more than 40 studies and clinical trials.
She is associated professor of Medicine Degree in Pompeu Fabra University.